
The 6 GUYS In My Head

A comic strip by Brian Malerich

Comic for Saturday , May 13 , 2006

The Continuing Saga...

Dear 6 GUYS reader,

No, this strip isn't coming back. Because, well, you see, 6 has just become 12 (in a sense).

To put it another way: I'm getting married!

Interested? Read more at my blog, WORDS.

Wondering who the heck I am and why this strip exists? Click some links at the left (try "About") or start with the first strip!

--Brian K. Malerich
Saturday, May 13, 2006

First comic Previous comic


Other Stuff Online

  • Keenspot -- Still got some decent comics
  • KeenToons -- Keenspot's Flash animation division
  • My Favorite Independant Webcomics -- courtesy The Webcomic List (Isn't that better than all those silly images?)
  • Malerich.com -- my own site, with a blog, my resume, and lots of other stuff...
  • NationStates -- Create a country. Govern it into rubble. View my country here!
  • Radio GoDaddy -- the audio version of the blog of GoDaddy's founder: Bob Parsons. I may not always agree, but it's always thought-provoking and very informative about the world of information out there.

Keenspace Newsbox

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"The 6 GUYS In My Head" is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

Characters, script, artwork, site design and content are all © 2003-2005 Brian K. Malerich. Color effects © 2005 Christian Carrera. All Rights Reserved. Hands off!

"The 6 GUYS In My Head", "6 GUYS", "6GUYS", "sixguys", "6GUYS.com" and both stylized logos (full and short) are trademarks of Brian K. Malerich. "Comic Genesis" and the CG-atom logo are trademarks of Keenspot Entertainment. Too bad for you.