The 6 GUYS In My Head

Other Projects

Everybody has hobbies...

As you can tell, 6GUYS is not about art. Sure, you can call it art, especially if your definition of art includes literature. (I admit though, writing comic strip jokes is far from lit.)

But what is important is that it's a culmination of many talents of mine: my sense of humor; my self-taught skills as a graphic artist and web designer; my organization skills (necessary for all up-and-coming engineers) to write, draw and publish this on a regular schedule; and my creative skills to come up with new content and stretch all these talents to new limits.

(One of those "new limits" is finally paying for my own webspace, so I moved all these bandwidth-sucking files over there to alleviate the load on CG's poor servers. I'm sure the admins didn't like me having non-comic stuff here.

(The new page is, a.k.a. Downloads. Change you bookmarks, and thanks for the interest.)

"The 6 GUYS In My Head" is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

Characters, script, artwork, site design and content are all © 2003-2005 Brian K. Malerich. Color effects © 2005 Christian Carrera. All Rights Reserved. Hands off!

"The 6 GUYS In My Head", "6 GUYS", "6GUYS", "sixguys", "" and both stylized logos (full and short) are trademarks of Brian K. Malerich. "Comic Genesis" and the CG-atom logo are trademarks of Keenspot Entertainment. Too bad for you.